During September 2013 the Tall Dog organised a number of events to raise money for Dreams Come True.

We ran a ‘Facebook Fundraising Morning’ with Social Media Professional with Jen Smith

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During the day/morning Jen Smith talked us through a series of topics

• Facebook for Business

• Pages vs Profiles

• Getting more Likes

• Security, Rules and Copyright

and there was also a Question & Answer session for people to raise specific problems of their own.
Tickets were only £5 per Ticket with all proceeds going to Dreams Come True.

Wednesday 18 September   9.30 am – 12.30 pm – We had Facebook Follow-Up Sessions with Jen Smith at the Tall Dog.

Thursday 26 September   7.30 am – 9.00 am – Breakfast Network Meeting (by reservation only) at the Tall Dog. This gave local businesses an opportunity to talk to each other in a social environment before the working day, perhaps to exchange ideas and contacts, and build a feeling of the local business community at the same time. Tickets were only £5 per head and once again all proceeds went to Dreams Come True.